While there is no permanent medical cure for Crohn’s Disease, there are a number of drugs and therapies that can control the disease. It is important to understand that just as the disease impacts each patient differently, medication regimens change from person to person. Even in a single patient, therapy is stepped up or down depending upon the severity and progression of the disease. The three main goals of treatment for Crohn’s disease are: Achieving remission (remission is defined as he absence or substantial reduction of symptoms); Maintaining remission; and Improving the quality of life.

Various medications can be used depending upon the severity: Aminosalicylates; Corticosteroids; Immunomodulators; and Biological agents. With the right treatment, a child can expect to achieve a life without symptoms. Adherence to therapy (taking prescribed medication in the proper dose at the proper time) is crucial.

Nutritional support therapy:  Optimal nutrition is a goal for well-being and development in these children. Because IBD, especially Crohn’s disease, may improve with nutritional support, it may be necessary to provide a nutrient-rich feed/formula. Regular visits with a nutritionist to ensure dietary goals are being met is often necessary. Children with Crohn’s disease are often deficient in certain vitamins and minerals (including vitamin B12 and C; folic acid; iron; calcium; zinc and magnesium), and require supplements.

Surgery: In the treatment of Crohn’s disease, all efforts are aimed at avoiding surgery, especially in children. But there are circumstances when surgery is the best option or the only alternative. In fact, many Crohn’s patients reach a point where surgery is the best intervention. Indications for surgery include: Unsuccessful medical control of the disease; Fistulas and abscesses that are uncontrolled or not healed by medication; Strictures and obstructions, especially those caused by scar tissue; Colorectal cancer risk.

Category : Crohns Disease


Dr. Deepak Goel
Dr. Deepak Goel

Dr. Deepak Goyal, a Pediatric Gastroenterologist with extensive post-MD experience of more than 15 years that includes super-specialty training in ‘Pediatric Hepatology & Gastroenterology’ (MCI-recognized) at SGPGIMS, Lucknow, has managed various kinds of complicated Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Liver Transplant Cases.

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